My mission is to ensure you a Luxurious experience each time you smoke a cigar
The Cigar Pooch
The "Cigar Pooch," an Original L.B. Gilmore design, was created to give Cigar lovers a more Luxurious and Modern Cigar Case. Before the Pooch, ALL cigar cases mimic a shaving bag or a book cover, and those are nice for people who want to conceal the fact that they smoke cigars. Gilmore Clients want the exact opposite. It's like when you're at the bowling alley, and the guy walks in with a custom bowling bag; you automatically know that he means business. the same can be said about the guy who walks into a cigar lounge carrying a Gilmore bag. I can tell you that he is Very Knowledgeable about cigars, and that bag will be loaded with Top-notch Cigars and the best cigar accessories. The Cigar Pooch is perfect for the new world of social media, with people taking pictures of everything that they do, especially food and drinks. The Cigar Pooch is designed so that it fits perfectly on any table or bar top while showing your Cigars, Cutter, and Lighter alongside your Fancy cocktail and steak dinner. It's small in size, yet large enough to easily carry up to your A-size cigars.
Blue Leather Cigar Pooch
Old English Red Leather Pooch (Limited Edition)
Oxford Brown Leather Cigar Pooch (Limited Edition)
Red Italian Leather Cigar Pooch
Cigar Clutch Purse
Who Is LB Gilmore ?
"How a love for Cigars saved my life" LB Gilmor...
"I would never have thought that my love for cigars would save my life.
"How a love for Cigars saved my life" LB Gilmor...
"I would never have thought that my love for cigars would save my life.